This page is for the use of parents and teachers alike. Come visit to check for any new updates or information on upcoming events.
Back to School
All Hamilton County schools will reopen their doors on August 12th for the 2020 – 2021 school year on a Phase 2 schedule for the month of August. The first full week of school, the week of Aug. 17, the A-group will attend school in-class on Monday and Tuesday, and the B group will attend school in-class on Thursday and Friday. Both the A-group and B-group will participate in remote learning from home on Wednesday. The other two days that students are not on campus each week, they will also participate in remote learning. The hybrid learning schedule will be a full five-day school week for all students with two days on campus and three days learning remotely. The second full week, the week of Aug. 24, will follow the same schedule. See the graphic below for a visual representation of the schedule.